David Robertson

Life archive ID fasai60252
Place of birth paisley. Gender male. Occupation Baker. HISCO 7. Hair brown (l bro, light brown). Eyes brown (l bro). Distinguishing marks crucifix rt arm mermaid anchor dr rr same arm woman and man mr 1824 on left. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, year, naval, names and initials, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions woman and man, mermaid, anchor, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1st January 1804.
1st January 1804
16th September 1824
Tried at Ayr. Sentence outcome was transported.
16th December 1824
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Tattoo subjects love, year, naval, names and initials, religion. Tattoo keywords crucifix right arm mermaid anchor dr rr same arm woman and man mr 1824 on left.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions woman and man, mermaid, anchor, crucifix. Tattoo body locations following, arm.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
16th April 1838
10th July 1840
Ticket of leave
16th November 1844
Ticket of leave
19th November 1844
Applied to marry
6th October 1845
27th October 1845
Free pardon
30th May 1847
31st May 1847
Child born
16th August 1847
Child born
19th May 1849