John Bell

Life archive ID obpdef1-1139-18380514
Born 1796. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1838.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of receiving (for feloniously receiving, on the 19th of february, 2 pairs of trowsers, value 12s. the goods of james delor; 1 shawl, value 10s.; 1 handkerchief, value 6d.; 1 petticoat, value 2s.; 1 gown, value 4s.; 1 yard of printed cotton, value 64., the goods of elizabeth harrison: 1 handkerchief, value 7s., the goods of benjamin williams: 2 pairs, of shoes, value 10s.; 1 shirt, value 10s., the goods of samuel andrews: 1 night-cap, value 64.; 2 decanters, value 2s.; 6 sheets, value 4l. 4s.; 4 towels, value 3s.; 4 pillow-cases, value 7s.; 1 table-cloth, value 7s.; 2 handkerchiefs, value 2s.; 4 dishes, value 4s.; 11 plates, value 3s.; 26 knives, value 5s.; 16 forks, value 3s.; 1 flannel shirt, value 3s.; 1 waistcoat, value 3s.; 1 pillow-case, value 3s.; 2 table-cloths, value 7s.; and 1 sheet, value 10s.; the goods of john starkey, well knowing them to have been stolen; against the statute, &c.). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to Van Diemens Land.