Joseph Alderson

Life archive ID obpdef1-207-18341205
Born 1820. Gender male. Occupation Shoemaker, 3 years childrens shoes. HISCO other. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1834.
5th December 1834
Age 14.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of pocketpicking (for stealing, on the 30th of november, 1 handkerchief, value 5s., the goods of john dyson, from his person.). Found guilty with recommendation. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was unknown.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (central cl. court). Accused of pocketpicking (for stealing, on the 20th of december, 1 handkerchief, value 1s., the goods of william simpson, from his person, and that he had before been convicted of felony.). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Ticket of leave
3rd March 1842
Age 22.
4th January 1843
Age 23.
30th September 1844
Age 24.
Child born
4th July 1845
Age 25.
Child born
20th December 1846
Age 26.
Child born
Age 28.
Child born
26th September 1850
Age 30.
Child born
4th January 1852
Age 32.