Henry Hughes

Life archive ID obpdef1-476-18630302
Born 1844. Gender male. Height 5' 5". Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11, other. Religion Protestant (unspecified). Complexion fair or fresh (fair). Hair brown (dark brown). Eyes hazel (light hazel). Distinguishing marks pitted pockmarked, scar (slightly pitted. scars near left nostril. eyebrows meet). Has tattoo no. First recorded January 1859.
January 1859
Age 15.
Accused of previously convictions 6 months january 1859 gea brown.
June 1860
Age 16.
Accused of previously conviction 18 months june 1860 gea taylor.
7th February 1863
Age 19. Marital status Single. Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)).
Committed 7th February 1863 Mansion House.
2nd March 1863
Age 19. Occupation Labourer. HISCO other. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)).
Convicted 2nd March 1863 Central Criminal Court. Tried at Old Bailey, London (central criminal court). Accused of theft (, stealing a handkerchief, value 3s., the property of morris roberts, from his person., larceny from the person). Found guilty. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
1st May 1863
Age 19. Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Mill bank.
2nd May 1863
Age 19. Trade in prison Matmaker. Progress at school Satisfactory. Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Pentonville.
26th January 1864
Age 20. Trade in prison Quarrying. Progress at school Fair. Description of confinement Public Works.
Held at Portland.
Possible Death record
Age 22.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Prison offence
6th July 1866
Age 22.
Held at Portland. Accused of breaking the handle of a razor.
Granted prison license
31st July 1866
Age 22. Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)).
Possible Death record
Age 26.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 26.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 27.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 27.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.