William Doherty

Life archive ID obpdef1-602-18720819
Born 1762. Place of birth London (street giles London Middlesex). Gender male. Height 5' 7.5". Occupation Carmans. HISCO other. Religion Catholic. Complexion fair or fresh (fresh). Hair brown (dark brown). Eyes hazel (dark hazel). Distinguishing marks scar (scar on forehead nose broken dimple chins rapturred left side). Has tattoo no. First recorded 19th August 1782.
Place of birth London.
19th August 1782
Age 20. Occupation Carmans. HISCO other. Religion Catholic (Roman Catholic).
Convicted 19th August 1782 Central Criminal Court. Tried at Old Bailey, London (central criminal court). Accused of leans laughter. Sentenced to ten years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
25th July 1872
Age 110. Trade in prison Picker. Description of confinement Separate. Marital status Married. Children 1. Occupation Carmans. HISCO other. Religion Catholic (Roman Catholic).
Committed 25th July 1872 Bow Street. Held at Newgate.
19th August 1872
Age 110.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of manslaughter (, feloniously killing and slaying william alway.). Found guilty. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
13th September 1872
Age 110. Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Pentonville.
14th September 1872
Age 110. Trade in prison Picker. Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Millbank.
Prison offence
25th October 1872
Age 110.
Held at Millbank. Accused of asking the officer to saffley him with a sheet of paper to writ his mother and promising him to 2 of he would do 80.
13th May 1873
Age 111. Trade in prison Labourer. Progress at school Not attended. Description of confinement Public work.
Held at Portland.
Prison offence
9th September 1873
Age 111.
Held at Portland. Accused of wrangling on the public work.
Prison offence
3rd December 1873
Age 111.
Held at Portland. Accused of loud talking in his cell during dinner hour.
Prison offence
29th December 1873
Age 111.
Held at Portland. Accused of talking on parade.
Prison offence
7th August 1874
Age 112.
Held at Portland. Accused of excessive idleness.
5th March 1875
Age 113. Trade in prison Briklayer. Progress at school Exempted. Description of confinement Public work.
Held at Portmouth.
Prison offence
3rd June 1875
Age 113.
Held at Portsmouth. Accused of refusing to labour.
Prison offence
31st December 1877
Age 115.
Held at Portsmouth. Accused of fighting in chapel.
Granted prison license
30th June 1880
Age 118. Occupation Carmans. HISCO other. Religion Catholic (Roman Catholic).
6th July 1880
Age 118.
Held at Millbank.
10th July 1880
Age 118.
Held at Licenced.