George Farrow

Life archive ID obpdef1-7-18711120
Born 1847. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 20th November 1871.
20th November 1871
Age 24.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of forgery (, to two indictments for forging and uttering two requests for the payment of 10l. each **?). Found guilty. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Granted prison license
30th April 1877
Age 30.
6th August 1878
Age 31.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of forgery (, feloniously forging a cheque for the payment of 79l. 10s. 2d., with intent to defraud.). Found guilty. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was unknown.
6th August 1878
Age 31.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of stealing from master (were again indicted, hopper for stealing five blank cheque forms or pieces of paper, the property of joseph mendelstam, his master. second count charging both prisoners with feloniously receiving the same.). Found not guilty. Sentence outcome was unknown.
Possible Death record
Age 54.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.