Ann Leech

Life archive ID obpdef2-1902-18350817
Born 1813. Place of birth Woolwich. Gender female. Height 5' 5.5". Religion Protestant (unspecified). Has tattoo no. First recorded 1835.
Place of birth Woolwich.
17th August 1835
Age 22.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of pocketpicking (stealing, on the 23rd july, 7 sovereings, the monies to edward benny, from his person.). Found guilty. Sentence outcome was transported.
17th August 1835
Age 22.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of simple larceny (stealing, on the 23rd of july, 1 bag, value 1s.; 9 pair of trowsers, valne 11s.; 10 round frocks, value 11s.; 1 pair of shocs, value 1s.6d.; 1 pair of stockings, value 6d.; 1 jacket, value 1s.; 1 waistcoat, value 1s. 6d.; 118 sbells, value 12s.; 1 needle-case, value 6d.; 1 smelling-bottle, value 6d.; and 12 quaills, value 6d.; the goods of edward benny.). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
7th February 1836
Age 23. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)). Place of birth Woolwich.
Sent to New South Wales.