Ann Colwell

Life archive ID obpdef2-458-18380101
Born 1819. Place of birth London. Gender female. Height 5' 2.5". Religion Protestant (unspecified). Has tattoo no. First recorded 1st January 1838.
Place of birth London.
1st January 1838
Age 19.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of robbery (assaulting mary ann matthews, on the 27th of december, at st. george the martyr, southwark, and robbing her of 1 shawl, value 2s.; 3/4 i of a yard of silk, value 2d.; 1 purse, value 2d.; and 2s.; the goods and monies of george matthews; and immediately before and at the time of such robbery beating and striking her.). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to fifteen years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
27th August 1838
Age 19. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)). Place of birth London.
Sent to New South Wales.