James Carse

Life archive ID obpt17871212-3-defend67
Born 1757. Gender male. Height 5' 7". Has tattoo no. First recorded 1787.
12th December 1787
Age 30.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (ob*). Accused of murder (he, not having the fear of god before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the 2d day of december instant, in and upon sarah hayes , single woman, in the peace of god and our lord the king then being, feloniously did make an assault, and with a certain clasp knife, of the value of 2 d. which he in his right hand then and there had and held, her the said sarah, in and upon the neck and throat, then and there, wilfully and maliciously did strike and thrust, giving her one mortal wound of the length of eight inches, and of the depth of two inches, of which she instantly died, murder of sarah hayes. cut her head off). Found guilty. Sentenced to death respited. Sentence outcome was committed to military service.
Joined army or navy
10th April 1795
Age 38.