William Glister

Life archive ID obpt17910413-41-defend494
Born 1771. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 13th April 1791.
13th April 1791
Age 20.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of theft from a specified place (feloniously stealing, on the 23d of february, two muslin aprons, value 9 s. two linen shifts, value 5 s. one guinea and an half in gold, and three shillings and sixpence worth of halfpence, the goods of ann dunnahaugh , in the dwelling-house of peter caveneau). Found guilty (theft under 40s). Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
In New South Wales
13th April 1791
Age 20.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to New South Wales.