Mary Joyce

Life archive ID obpt18011028-76-defend656
Born 1789. Gender female. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1801.
28th October 1801
Age 12.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of coining (they, on the 29th of august, five pieces of false and counterfeit milled money, of the likeness of good shillings, the same not being cut in pieces, did put off to judith smith at a lower rate than they did import, that is to say, for 2s. in monies numbered). Found not guilty. Sentence outcome was unknown.
28th October 1801
Age 12.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of coining (they, on the 29th day of august, one piece of counterfeit and milled money, of the likeness of a good half-guinea, the same not being cut in pieces, did put off to ann gordon at a lower rate than it did import, that is to say, for 3s. in monies numbered). Found guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment in Newgate. Sentence outcome was unknown.
Possible Death record
Age 87.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly.