Thomas Ashford

Life archive ID obpt18020113-81-defend799
Born 1781. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1802.
13th January 1802
Age 21.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of burglary (feloniously breaking the dwelling-house of william warne , about the hour of six in the night of the 2d of january, and stealing twenty-five yards of kerseymere, value 7l. 10s. twenty yards of marsella, value 7l. fifty-four yards of dimity, value 8l. and fifty-six yards of printed dimity, value 8l. 7s.). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
25th February 1802
Age 21.
Sentenced to twenty one years. Sent to New South Wales.