John Green

Life archive ID obpt18100606-23-defend249
Born 1770. Gender male. Occupation Gardener. HISCO 12. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1810.
6th June 1810
Age 40. Occupation Gardener. HISCO 12.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of wounding (that he on the 7th of may, with a certain loaded pistol, and divers leaden shots, feloniously, maliciously, and wilfully, did shoot at jane woodford , spinster, a subject of our lord the king, with intent in so doing, to kill and murder her). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
10th July 1810
Age 40.
28th February 1811
Age 41.
Sentenced to fourteen years. Sent to New South Wales.