Elizabeth Phipps

Life archive ID obpt18120916-3-defend71
Born 1792. Gender female. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1812.
16th September 1812
Age 20.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of housebreaking (feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of joseph covington , about the hour of eight in the forenoon, on the 1st of april, and stealing therein, eighteen gowns, value 3 l. seven petticoats, value 1 l. six pair of blankets, value 3 l. a feather bed, value 3 l. a bolster, value 5 s. two pillows, value 5 s. a time-piece, value 6 l. a silver cup, value 1 l. and five yards of muslin, value 5 s.). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
9th December 1812
Age 20.
Sentenced to twenty one years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
9th January 1814
Age 22.
Sent to New South Wales.