John Clarke

Life archive ID obpt18170219-65-defend558
Born 1799. Place of birth London. Gender male. Hair brown (brown, bro). Eyes brown (l bro). Distinguishing marks jpc right arm and moon and stars on same wc laurel branch jeceb heart ec ec and anchor on left arm. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, naval, names and initials, astronomy. Tattoo written words jeceb, initials, jpc. Tattoo descriptions laurel, moon, anchor, sun, heart. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1817.
Place of birth London.
19th February 1817
Age 18.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of highway robbery (feloniously assaulting robert jones on the king's highway, on the 30th of january, putting him in fear, and taking from his person, and against his will, two watch-keys, value 18s.; three seals, value 3l. and one ring, value 6d., his property). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
26th April 1817
Age 18.
26th April 1817
Age 18.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
15th September 1819
Age 20.
Tried at middsx. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 21. Tattoo subjects love, naval, names and initials, astronomy. Tattoo keywords jpc right arm and moon and stars on same wc laurel branch jeceb heart ec ec and anchor on left arm.. Tattoo written words jeceb, initials, jpc. Tattoo descriptions laurel, moon, anchor, sun, heart. Tattoo body locations arm.
Arrived in Australia
17th November 1820
Age 21.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.