Henry Phillips

Life archive ID obpt18290611-161-defend1250
Born 1809. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1829.
11th June 1829
Age 20.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of housebreaking (feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of joseph willetts , on the 9th of may, at st. marylehone, and stealing therein 1 coat, value 1l.; 1 waistcoat, value 12s.; 1 pair of breeches, value 12s.; 1 gown, value 9s.; 1 petticoat, value 2s.: 2 shifts, value 3s.; 1 sheet, value 2s; 2 handkerchiefs, value 2s.; and 1 shawl, value 5s.). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
16th July 1829
Age 20.
16th July 1829
Age 20.