James Belt

Life archive ID obpt18330103-57-defend599
Born 1809. Place of birth London (Middlesex). Gender male. Height 5' 4.75". Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11. Religion Protestant (unspecified). Has tattoo no. First recorded 1833.
Place of birth London.
In hulk
Age 24. Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11.
3rd January 1833
Age 24.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of simple larceny (stealing. on the 22nd of december, 16 bread-baskets, value 16s.). Found guilty with recommendation. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was unknown.
17th October 1833
Age 24.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of housebreaking (feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of john bruhn sewerkrop , on the 5th of october, at allhallows, barking, and stealing therein 2 ladles, value 5l.; 12 forks, value 10l.; 14 spoons, value 6l. 6s.; 2 knife rests, value 1s.; 1 pair of boots, value 1l.; and 1 pair of stockings, value 2s. his property; and 1 handkerchief, value 2s.; 1 cap, value 2s.; 2 purses, value 1s.; 1 knife, value 3s.; and 1 needle case, value 1s.; the goods of ann tracey). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
18th November 1833
Age 24.
Sentenced to twenty one years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
9th July 1834
Age 25. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)). Place of birth London (Middlesex).
Sent to New South Wales.