George Johnson

Life archive ID obpt18330905-95-defend958
Born 1812. Place of birth London. Gender male. Height 5' 2.5". Occupation Bricksmaker. HISCO other. Religion Protestant (unspecified). Has tattoo no. First recorded 1833.
Place of birth London.
In hulk
Age 21. Occupation Bricksmaker. HISCO other.
5th September 1833
Age 21.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of simple larceny (stealing, on the 1st of august, 2 hams, value 32s. the goods of benjamin gardner , and that he had been before convicted of felony). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to fourteen years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
9th July 1834
Age 22. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)). Place of birth London.
Sent to New South Wales.