Born 1888. Place of birth Dublin (dublin, ireland). Gender male. Height 5' 6.75". Complexion fair or fresh, pale (fr, pl). Hair sandy, brown (sy, it bn). Eyes other, blue, grey (bl, gr). Distinguishing marks dot (sc. on forehead, above r. eye and bridge of nose; woman, stars and stripes, union tack, &c., r., buffalo bill, ballet girl, &c., l. forearm; bust of woman l. hand; dot web l. thumb ; fourth . finger contracted, flags, stars and stripes, &c., r., king edward vii., l. forearm, buffalo bill r., bust of woman and ballet girl i. hand; ballet girl, crossed flags and soldier r., buffalo bill and bust of king edward l. forearm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects britain, national identity, names and initials, military, america. Tattoo written words initials, vii, edward. Tattoo descriptions stars and stripes, woman, king, soldier, flags, dot, bust of female, buffalo bill, ballet, crossed flags, girl. Tattoo body locations forearm, hand. First recorded 10th October 1911.