James Marshall

Life archive ID rhc14975
Born 1862. Place of birth burnley. Gender male. Height 5' 6.25". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair brown (br). Eyes blue (bl). Build proportionate (prop). Distinguishing marks head of sailor and female on chest, cross and female right upper arm, female with umbrfjlla front, sailor with flag and man juggling with balls back of right forearm, bust of female and female riding cycle left upper arm, female front left forearm, female and snake climbing tree back of left forearm, bracelet back of both wrists, man and flowerpot front" of right thigh, female with flowerpot front of left thigh. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, national identity, nature, naval, invention, religion. Tattoo descriptions sailor, flowerpot, sailor with flag, tree, cross, snake, bust of female, bracelet, man, female, cycle. Tattoo body locations chest. First recorded 1890.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 28. Tattoo subjects jewellery, national identity, nature, naval, invention, religion. Tattoo keywords "head of sailor and female on chest, cross and female right upper arm, female with umbrfjlla front, sailor with flag and man juggling with balls back of right forearm, bust of female and female riding cycle left upper arm, female front left forearm, female and snake climbing tree back of left forearm, bracelet back of both wrists, man and flowerpot front"" of right thigh, female with flowerpot front of left thigh. ". Tattoo descriptions sailor, flowerpot, sailor with flag, tree, cross, snake, bust of female, bracelet, man, female, cycle. Tattoo body locations chest, thigh, forearm, arm.
14th January 1890
Age 28. Marital status S. Place of birth burnley.
Sentenced to three years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Discharged as habitual criminal
13th April 1890
Age 28. Marital status S. Place of birth burnley.