William Reynolds

Life archive ID rhc18446
Born 1864. Place of birth Rotherham. Gender male. Height 5' 5.75". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair brown (dk br). Eyes hazel (hz). Build proportionate (prop). Distinguishing marks scar, mark (scars back head, left temple, fore head, right forearm and thumb, blue mark outside left eye, naked man inside right,naked woman inside left forearm, part cross outside left forearm, indistinct strokes back hand, scofula scars right jaw and neck). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects sex, religion. Tattoo descriptions woman, cross, man, naked. Tattoo body locations forearm. First recorded 2nd November 1881.
Place of birth Rotherham.
2nd November 1881
Age 17. Marital status Male. Place of birth Rotherham.
Sentenced to two years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 27. Tattoo subjects sex, religion. Tattoo keywords scars back head, left temple, fore head, right forearm and thumb, blue mark outside left eye, naked man inside right,naked woman inside left forearm, part cross outside left forearm, indistinct strokes back hand, scofula scars right jaw and neck.. Tattoo descriptions woman, cross, man, naked. Tattoo body locations forearm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
28th April 1891
Age 27. Marital status Male. Place of birth Rotherham.