James Whitehead

Life archive ID rhc48170
Born 1878. Place of birth Liverpool. Gender male. Height 5' 6.75". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair brown (bn). Eyes other, grey (gr). Distinguishing marks pitted pockmarked, mark (coat-of-arms, sailor's head, bust of buffalo bill, horseshoe, bust of female, clasped hands, rising sun and bracelet l forearm ; bust female, jockey, lancer, rose, shamrock and thistle, scotch girl, bracelet with cross, anchor and heart r arm; crucifix on chest; face and body pockmarked). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, jewellery, britain, national identity, naval, nature, pleasure, astronomy, america, religion. Tattoo descriptions clasped hands, cross, bust of female, bracelet, girl, jockey, heart, crucifix, horseshoe, coat of arms, shamrock and thistle, anchor, rose, female, bust of buffalo bill, rising sun. Tattoo body locations head. First recorded 1st February 1898.
Place of birth Liverpool.
1st February 1898
Age 20. Place of birth Liverpool.
Tried at n.l.s. (p.c. henderson, 178h). Accused of simple larceny. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 21. Tattoo subjects love, jewellery, britain, national identity, naval, nature, pleasure, astronomy, america, religion. Tattoo keywords coat of arms, sailor's head, bust of buffalo bill, horseshoe, bust of female, clasped hands, rising sun and bracelet left forearm ; bust female, jockey, lancer, rose, shamrock and thistle, scotch girl, bracelet with cross, anchor and heart right arm; crucifix on chest; face and body pockmarked.. Tattoo descriptions clasped hands, cross, bust of female, bracelet, girl, jockey, heart, crucifix, horseshoe, coat of arms, shamrock and thistle, anchor, rose, female, bust of buffalo bill, rising sun. Tattoo body locations head, chest, forearm, arm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
8th July 1899
Age 21. Place of birth Liverpool.