William Lindsay

Life archive ID cin80736
Born 1829. Gender male. Height 5' 3.25". Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, national identity, nature, naval, pleasure, names and initials, astronomy. Tattoo written words mal. Tattoo descriptions brig, flag, woman, star, sail, ring, snake, barque, sailor and flag, mermaid, anchor, fish, boxing, letters. Tattoo body locations breast. First recorded 1854.
Arrived in Australia
Age 25.
Sent to Western australia.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 25. Tattoo subjects jewellery, national identity, nature, naval, pleasure, names and initials, astronomy. Tattoo keywords boxing match on breast; brig in full sail, whale spouting, mermaid, flag and staff, mal and woman on right arm; fish and letters on back of right hand; barque in full sail, boxing match, anchor and star, sperm whale, sailor and flag, snake and three ring.. Tattoo written words mal. Tattoo descriptions brig, flag, woman, star, sail, ring, snake, barque, sailor and flag, mermaid, anchor, fish, boxing, letters. Tattoo body locations breast, arm, hand.