Paul Pierce

Life archive ID fasai56332
Place of birth Canterbury. Gender male. Occupation Hops grafter. HISCO other. Hair brown (brown, bro). Eyes grey. Distinguishing marks scar, mark (sp wp dove hearts & darts & laurel leaves faint heart & large scar on rt arm mermaid and several faint marks on left arm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, naval, pleasure, names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions laurel, mermaid, hearts, heart. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1814.
Child born
Child born
4th February 1816
Child born
22nd March 1818
Child born
6th February 1820
Child born
9th May 1824
Child born
9th April 1826
Tattoo(s) recorded
Tattoo subjects love, naval, pleasure, names and initials. Tattoo keywords sp wp dove hearts and darts and laurel leaves faint heart and large scar on right arm mermaid and several faint marks on left arm.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions laurel, mermaid, hearts, heart. Tattoo body locations arm.
6th January 1827
Tried at Maidstone. Sentence outcome was transported.
3rd April 1827
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Arrived in Australia
31st July 1827
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Child born
10th July 1830
Ticket of leave
19th June 1833
Conditional pardon
29th October 1840
Child born