James Watts

Life archive ID fasai74073
Place of birth strathdon. Gender male. Occupation Farm labourer. HISCO other. Hair brown, grey (bro to grey, brown to grey). Eyes grey. Distinguishing marks crucifix. f. b & anchor inside rt. arm - <[x: bust]> bottle mermaid j.w. & heart inside left arm.. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, naval, pleasure, names and initials, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions mermaid, anchor, bottle, heart, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1815.
Child born
Child born
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Tattoo subjects love, naval, pleasure, names and initials, religion. Tattoo keywords crucifix. f. b and anchor inside right arm bust bottle mermaid j.w. and heart inside left arm.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions mermaid, anchor, bottle, heart, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm.
22nd April 1829
Tried at Aberdeen. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Prior offences
14th December 1829
27th April 1843