Hannah Woolford

Life archive ID obpdef1-173-18361128
Born 1816. Place of birth London. Gender female. Height 4' 11". Religion Protestant (unspecified). Has tattoo no. First recorded 1836.
Place of birth London.
28th November 1836
Age 20.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of stealing from master (stealing, on the 13th of november 1 muff, value 2l. 5s.; 12 spoons, value 3l. 10s.; 1 pair of sugar-tongs, value 15s.; 1 ring, value 12s.; 1 pair of clogs, value 1s.; and 1 pair of nutcracks, value 2s.; the goods of robert burrows, her master: and). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to fourteen years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
23rd April 1837
Age 21. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)). Place of birth London.
Sent to New South Wales.