Amy Gregory

Life archive ID obpdef1-341-18950325
Alias Smart. Born 1872. Place of birth worthing. Gender female. Height 5' 6". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair brown (bn). Eyes blue (bl). Distinguishing marks mole (sc l of chin and first and third l fingers ; mole r breast and each upper arm). Has tattoo no. First recorded 25th March 1895.
25th March 1895
Age 23. Place of birth worthing.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (c.c.c. (p.s. hawkins, c.i.d.-w)). Accused of murder (, and charged on the coroner's inquisition with the wilful murder of frances maude smart.). Found guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Granted prison license
28th February 1899
Age 27.
Discharged as habitual criminal
23rd March 1899
Age 27. Place of birth worthing.