Frederick Ash

Life archive ID obpdef1-370-18890408
Born 1857. Place of birth London. Gender male. Height 5' 6.75". Complexion dark (dk). Hair brown (dk br). Eyes brown (br). Build proportionate (prop). Distinguishing marks scar (gun, female with fan, and flagon, elephant, female, flower in pot, mermaid, girl on donkey, snake, coat of arms, lion and unicorn, crown and cross right arm, ring second finger, ship,chameleon, girl on ball, scorpion, lion, wreath, crown, male and female, tree centipede, gun and carriage left arm,fowl wrist, and scar groin). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, britain, death, national identity, naval, nature, military, religion. Tattoo descriptions gun, ring, snake, cross, tree, ship, girl, wreath, flower, mermaid, pot, coat of arms, female, elephant, crown. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 8th April 1889.
Place of birth London.
8th April 1889
Age 32. Marital status Male. Place of birth London.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of rape (, feloniously carnally knowing louisa garlack, a girl under thirteen years of age.). Found guilty. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 36. Tattoo subjects jewellery, britain, death, national identity, naval, nature, military, religion. Tattoo keywords gun, female with fan, and flagon, elephant, female, flower in pot, mermaid, girl on donkey, snake, coat of arms, lion and unicorn, crown and cross right arm, ring second finger, ship,chameleon, girl on ball, scorpion, lion, wreath, crown, male and female, tree centipede, gun and carriage left arm,fowl wrist, and scar groin.. Tattoo descriptions gun, ring, snake, cross, tree, ship, girl, wreath, flower, mermaid, pot, coat of arms, female, elephant, crown. Tattoo body locations finger, arm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
19th January 1893
Age 36. Marital status Male. Place of birth London.