John Martin

Life archive ID obpt17820703-5-defend93
Gender male. Occupation Negro. HISCO other. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1782.
3rd July 1782
Occupation Negro. HISCO other.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of theft from a specified place (stealing two cloth coats, value 20 s. a stuff waistcoat, value 1 s. and a pair of stuff breeches, value 2 s. the property of stephen turnbull ; and two cloth coats, value 10 s. two cloth waistcoats, value 5 s. two pair of cloth breeches, value 5 s. one cotton waistcoat, value 1 s. a linen waistcoat, value 1 s. a cotton petticoat, value 1 s. and a cotton gown, value 2 s. the property of john turnbull , in his dwelling-house). Found guilty (theft under 40s). Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to New South Wales.