Daniel Macginniss

Life archive ID obpt17830117-1-defend7
Alias Macgenise. Born 1724. Gender male. Occupation Labourer physician. HISCO other. Has tattoo no. First recorded 15th January 1783.
In coroners case
15th January 1783
Age 59.
17th January 1783
Age 59. Occupation Labourer physician. HISCO other.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of murder (not having the fear of god before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the 28th day of december, in the 23d year of the reign of our sovereign lord george the third, king of great britain, &c. with force and arms in and upon john hardy , in the peace of god and our said lord the king then and there being, feloniously, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did make an assault; and that he the said daniel macginniss , otherwise macgenise, with a certain bayonet made of iron and steel, value one penny, which he the said daniel macginnis , otherwise macgenise, in his right hand then and there had and held, in and upon the left side of the said john hardy , a little below the left breast of the said john hardy , feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did strike, thrust, stab and penetrate, giving him, the said john hardy , by such striking, thrusting, stabbing and penetrating with the bayonet aforesaid, in and upon the left side of the said john hardy , a little below the left breast of the said john hardy , one mortal wound of the length of three quarters of an inch, and of the depth of four inches, of which the said john hardy instantly died: and so the jurors upon their oath say, that he, the said daniel macginnis , otherwise macgenise, feloniously, wilfully and of his malice aforethought, did kill and murder him the said john hardy , in manner and form aforesaid, against the peace of our said lord the king, his crown and dignity). Found guilty. Sentenced to death and dissection. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
31st January 1783
Age 59.
2nd February 1784
Age 60.