John Hogan

Life archive ID obpt17860111-1-defend48
Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1786.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of murder (that he, not having the fear of god before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the 26th day of june last, with force and arms, in the parish of st. mary-le-bon, upon ann hunt ,178601110003 spinster, in the peace of god and our lord the king then and there being, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did make an assault, and that he, with a certain large wooden instrument, called a house broom, which he in both his hands then and there had and held, her the said ann hunt , in and upon the head of the said ann hunt , did violently strike and beat; and with a certain razor, value 6 d. her the said ann hunt , in and upon the neck and throat of the said ann hunt , then and there, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did violently strike, penetrate, and cut, giving to the said ann hunt , by means of the said striking and beating with the wooden instrument aforesaid, called a house broom, one mortal fracture, and by means of the said striking, penetrating, and cutting with the said razor, in and upon the neck and throat of the said ann hunt , one mortal wound, of the length of three inches, and of the depth of one inch, of which said mortal fracture and wound, she the said ann hunt for the space of eight hours did languish, and languishing did live, and on the said 26th day of june, she the said ann hunt , of the mortal fracture and wound aforesaid, did die; and so the jurors say, that her the said ann hunt , he the said john hogan did kill and murder, against his majesty's peace). Found guilty. Sentenced to death and dissection. Sentence outcome was executed.
16th January 1786