Thomas Holyoak

Life archive ID obpt17880227-9-defend138
Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 27th February 1788.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of burglary (burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling house of benjamin laver , on the 7th of february, about the hour of seven in the night, and stealing a silk cushion, value 1 d. forty-nine handkerchief pins, value 40 s. eleven black glass handkerchief pins, value 11 s. sixteen gold enamelled handkerchief pins, value 50 s. ten gold handkerchief pins, value 30 s. seventeen gold handkerchief pins, value 50 s. a paste handkerchief pin set in gold, value 1 s. fourteen handkerchief pins, value 7 s. two silver handkerchief pins, value 2 s. a gold handkerchief key, value 1 s. and two metal handkerchief keys, value 1 s. the property of the said benjamin, in his dwelling house). Found guilty with recommendation. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
18th April 1788
25th July 1789