Cornelius Carty

Life archive ID obpt17890114-6-defend120
Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 14th January 1789.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of murder (he, together with thomas ryan and patrick ephernon , not having the fear of god before their eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on the 3d of january instant, with force and arms, in the parish of hendon, upon michael williams , in the peace of god and our lord the king, then and there being, feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did make an asassault; and that the said cornelius carty , with a certain knife, of the value of 6 d. which he then and there in his right-hand had and held, in and upon the right-side of the head, near the right-eye of the said michael williams , did strike, stab, and thrust; giving him, the said michael, by the said striking, stabbing, and thrusting, as aforesaid, one mortal wound, of the breadth of two inches, and of the depth of three inches, by which he languished till the 6th of january, and languishing did live, on which said 6th of january he died; and so the jurors, upon their oaths, say, that the said cornelius carty , together with the said thomas ryan and patrick 178901140027ephernon , him, the said michael williams , did kill and murder). Found guilty. Sentenced to executed. Sentence outcome was executed.
19th January 1789