John Richardson

Life archive ID obpt17930220-28-defend320
Born 1772. Gender male. Height 4' 11". Has tattoo no. First recorded 15th February 1793.
15th February 1793
Age 21.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (ob*). Accused of grand larceny (burglary stealing iron on mr brodies promises, feloniously stealing, on the 18th of january, one chiswell made of iron and steel, value 2 d. one square punch, value 2 d. nineteen iron rings for weights, value 1 s. 2 d. two iron wedges, value 1 d. three iron nuts with three iron screws, value 2 d. three iron nails, value 1/2. an iron pan handle, value 1 d. one iron hook, value 1/4 a piece of an iron wedge, value 1/4 one nut with an iron screw, value 1/4 the goods of alexander brodie , and one canvas apron, value 1 d.). Found guilty with recommendation. Sentenced to house of correction. Sentence outcome was unknown.
26th October 1814
Age 42.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of grand larceny (feloniously stealing, on the 15th of october, twenty pounds weight of bacon, value 15 s.). Found guilty. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was unknown.
29th October 1817
Age 45.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of theft from a specified place (stealing, on the 28th of september, ten tin canisters, value 10s.; and 118lbs. of lead, value 17s., the property of george kiallmark ; the said lead being fixed to a certain building). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to New South Wales.