Mary Finlayson

Life archive ID obpt17941208-10-defend199
Born 1755. Gender female. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1794.
8th December 1794
Age 39.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (ob*). Accused of highway robbery (feloniously making an assault, on the king's highway, on john gibbs , on the 9th of november, and putting him in fear, and taking from his person and against his will, a silver watch, value 2l. a steel watch chain, value 1s. a cornelian seal set in brass metal, value 2d. a steel watch key, value 1d. a clasp knife, value 6d. a tin japan tobacco box, value 4d. and thirty-four guineas; the goods and monies of john gibbs, highway robbg on jno. gibbs and stealing 34 guas etc). Found guilty. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was executed.
Sentence respited
27th March 1795
Age 40.
1st April 1795
Age 40.