Bartholomew Foley

Life archive ID obpt17991204-12-defend141
Born 1786. Gender male. Occupation Servant. HISCO 9. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1799.
4th December 1799
Age 13. Occupation Servant. HISCO 9.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx g.d). Accused of theft from a specified place (feloniously stealing, on the 31st of october, two guineas, the property of isaac pretty , in his dwelling-house). Found guilty with recommendation. Sentenced to death. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentence respited
31st January 1800
Age 14.
Sentenced to twenty one years. Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
12th June 1801
Age 15.
Sent to New South Wales.
Arrived in Australia
July 1812
Age 26.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.