Isaac Solomon

Life archive ID obpt18100606-89-defend734
Alias Solomons ikey jones, ikey. Born 1789. Place of birth aldgate. Gender male. Height 5' 9". Religion Jewish. Hair black. Eyes hazel. Distinguishing marks a jew. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1810.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of pocketpicking (feloniously stealing, on the 17th of april, from the person of thomas dodd , a pocket book, value 4 s. a thirty pound bank note, a five pound bank note, a two pound bank note, three one pound bank notes, and a warrant for the payment of fifty-six pound). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of receiving (feloniously receiving, on the 1st of may, in the 7th year of the reign of george the 4th, 14 watch-movements, value 100l., the goods of robert mccabe and charles strachan , which had been stolen by a certain evil-disposed person, he well knowing them to have been stolen; against the statute). Found guilty. Sentenced to no punishment. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of simple larceny (stealing, on the 28th of april, in the 8th year of the reign of george the 4th, 1 watch, value 8l.). Found not guilty, no prosecutor. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of burglary (feloniously and burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling house of richard groncock and another, about three o'clock in the night of the 6th of june, with intent to steal, and stealing 77 pieces of lace, containing 1770 yards, value 40l.; 43 handkerchiefs, value 5l.; 28 veils, value 15l.; 43 caps, with lappets, value 7l. 10s.; 357 other caps. value 19l.; 30 collars, value 15s.; 468 cap crowns, value 4l., and 40 pieces of bobbinet, containing 120 yards, value 8l., their property). Found not guilty. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of burglary (burglary in the dwelling-house of james mckenzie , in the night of the 5th of february, in the 8th year of the reign of george the 4th, and stealing therein 174 tablecloths, value 117l.; 6 dozens of napkins, value 8l.; 3 other napkins, value 18d.; 16 hats, value 16l.; 24 pieces of irish linen, value 31l.; 3 pieces of sheeting, value 6l. 17s.; 3 pieces of bed-ticking, value 20l. 14s.; 1 piece of holland, value 5l. 19s., and 6 pieces of silk handkerchiefs, value 5l., his property). Found not guilty. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of simple larceny (stealing, on the 24th of february, in the 8th year of the reign of george the 4th, 12 pieces of valentia, value 88l.). Found guilty. Sentenced to no punishment. Sentence outcome was transported.
Tried at Old Bailey, London (middx gl. delivy.). Accused of burglary (breaking and entering the dwelling-house of thomas neal , on the 3rd of april, in the 8th year of the reign of george the 4th, and stealing therein 10 pieces of cloth, value 78l.; 23 yards of cloth, value 10l., and 1 piece of kerseymere, value 1l., his property, breaking and entering the dwelling-house of john baker, on the 14th of june, in the 7th year of the reign of george the 4th, (he and others being therein,) and stealing 130 shawls, value 120l., and 25 pieces of printed cotton, value 30l., the goods of edward woodward and another, burglary in the dwelling-house of john dewis , on the night of the 24th of july, 1826, and stealing 215 yards of bobbinet, value 65l.; 110 shawls, value 70l.; 70 pieces of bombazeen, value 100l.; 40 pieces of norwich crape, value 200l.; 20 pieces of ribbon, value 10l.; 50 pieces of silk persian, value 20l., and 40 yards of woollen cloth, value 14l., the goods of john wray). Found not guilty. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to fourteen years. Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Arrived in Australia
1st November 1831
Age 42. Religion Jewish (jewish). Place of birth aldgate.
Sent to Van Diemens Land.
Prior offences
1st November 1831
Age 42.
Ticket of leave
13th May 1835
Age 46.
Conditional pardon
27th May 1840
Age 51.
Conditional pardon
8th December 1841
Age 52.
8th July 1844
Age 55.