Isaac Jones

Life archive ID obpt18130217-13-defend158
Born 1800. Gender male. Occupation Boy. HISCO other. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1813.
17th February 1813
Age 13. Occupation Boy. HISCO other.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of pocketpicking (feloniously stealing, on the 26th of january, a three-shilling bank token, an eighteen-penny bank token, a shilling, and a sixpence, the property of mary coombs , spinster, from her person). Found guilty. Sentenced to no punishment. Sentence outcome was unknown.
Possible Death record
Age 67.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 67.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 72.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.
Possible Death record
Age 74.
Name matched exactly. Year of birth matched exactly. An associated country matched.