Thomas M'kenzie

Life archive ID obpt18161204-98-defend801
Born 1800. Gender male. Has tattoo no. First recorded 1816.
4th December 1816
Age 16.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of grand larceny (stealing' on the 1st of december, eighteen brass-plates, value 12s.; four hinges, value 4s.; and four steel bits, value 2s., the property of john wilson -two saws, value 12s., and two aprons, value 6d., the property of john tooley -one saw, value 9s., the property of george walter -one saw, value 7s., the property of john whittington two saws, value 12s., and two aprons, value 6d., the property of richard crossfield -two saws, value 12s., the property of thomas forster -two saws, value 12s., the property of henry feakins -two saws, value 12s., and one apron, value 3d., the property of james dowling two saws, value 12s.; two steel bits, value 6d.; and one rule, value 6d., the property of william mortimer -two saws, value 12s.; three steel bits, value 9d.; one bevil, value 2d.; and one stock, value 1d.). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was transported.
Sentenced to seven years. Sent to New South Wales.