James Beachamp

Life archive ID obpt18241202-152-defend941
Born 1802. Gender male. Occupation Farmer's man. HISCO 8. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo descriptions standing. First recorded 1816.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 22. Tattoo keywords has an eruption over his body, also a contraction of a finger on each hand, and a rupture of long standing on his right side.. Tattoo descriptions standing.
2nd December 1824
Age 22. Occupation Farmer's man. HISCO 8.
Tried at Old Bailey, London. Accused of grand larceny (stealing, on the 3d of november, a round frock, value 6 s.; a waistcoat, value 4 s.; two pairs of stockings, value 5 s.; two shirts, value 3 s.; a pair of breeches, value 4 s.; two handkerchiefs, value 1 s.; a canvas bag, value 1 s.; a half-crown, and two farthings). Found guilty. Sentenced to transportation. Sentence outcome was unknown.