John Holland

Life archive ID pldm5321
Place of birth great bardford. Gender male. Height 5' 4.5". Occupation Seaman, soldier 22nd infanty and labourer # 5 months. HISCO 11, other. Religion Church of England. Complexion fair or fresh (fair). Hair brown. Eyes grey. Distinguishing marks mole, bald (anchor m.b. ring on second finger mole on left shoulder mole on back bald). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, naval, names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions ring, anchor. Tattoo body locations finger, arm. First recorded 15th June 1787.
Prison offence
15th June 1787
Held at Chatham. Accused of talking in his cell.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Tattoo subjects jewellery, names and initials. Tattoo keywords c+c, o blue mark # on left arm o.m.r on back of left hand, ring on second finger left hand, black mark on right arm.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions ring. Tattoo body locations finger, arm, hand.
28th July 1856
Occupation Soldier 22nd infanty and labourer # 5 months. HISCO other. Religion Church of England (Church of England).
Convicted 28th July 1856 Chelmsford. Accused of theft (burglaary and stealing a match £30 a pin of shoes and other articles and grual bradfeild). Sentenced to four years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
23rd June 1865
Marital status Married. Children 1. Occupation Soldier 22nd infanty and labourer # 5 months. HISCO other. Religion Church of England (Church of England).
Committed 23rd June 1865 Grat Bardfeild.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Tattoo subjects jewellery, naval, names and initials. Tattoo keywords anchor m.b. ring on second finger mole on left shoulder mole on back bald.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions ring, anchor. Tattoo body locations finger.
28th May 1867
Marital status Married. Children 10. Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Religion Church of England (Church of England).
Committed 28th May 67 Thamas Police Court.
3rd June 1867
Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Religion Church of England (Church of England).
Convicted 3rd June 67 Middlesex Session. Tried at Quarter sessions, London (Middlesex session). Accused of housebreaking (warehousebreaking after a previous connvection of felony). Sentenced to seven years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
3rd June 1867
Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Cold Bath Feild.
9th August 1867
Trade in prison Matmaker. Progress at school Modearte. Description of confinement Sepaarte.
Held at Pentonville.
3rd April 1868
Trade in prison Lawyer. Progress at school Good. Description of confinement Public Work.
Held at Chatham.
Prison offence
4th March 1871
Held at Chatham. Accused of cell and utensils dirty.
Prison offence
14th March 1871
Held at Chatham. Accused of cell and utesils dirty.
Prison offence
18th March 1871
Held at Chatham. Accused of disorderly (disorderly conduct).
Prison offence
15th June 1871
Held at Chatham. Accused of talking in his cell.
Prison offence
18th March 1873
Held at Chatham. Accused of diorderly conduct.
Granted prison license
30th April 1873
Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Religion Church of England (Church of England).
6th May 1873
Held at Southwark (for license).
Granted prison license
7th May 1873