William John Macklin

Life archive ID rhc14885
Born 1867. Place of birth burnley. Gender male. Height 5' 2.75". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair brown (br). Eyes hazel (hz). Build proportionate (prop). Distinguishing marks scar, mark (cross right upper-arm, anchorand mackltn inside right fore-arm, naked man e c. outside, three busts of sailors drinking,sup. two cross-flags, e t. m. (faint) inside left arm, jhon macklin in bracelet outside left wrist, star, tree,cross, heart and anchor back left hand, large star and blue marks back right hand,ring fourth right finger, and each left finger, scar left cheek). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, jewellery, national identity, naval, nature, pleasure, sex, names and initials, astronomy, religion. Tattoo written words initials, macklin, mackltn, jhon, sup. Tattoo descriptions drinking, star, ring, cross flags, anchor, tree, cross, bracelet, man, naked, heart. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 13th February 1889.
13th February 1889
Age 22. Marital status S. Place of birth burnley.
Sentenced to twelve years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 23. Tattoo subjects love, jewellery, national identity, naval, nature, pleasure, sex, names and initials, astronomy, religion. Tattoo keywords cross right upper arm, anchorand mackltn inside right fore arm, naked man e c. outside, three busts of sailors drinking,sup. two cross flags, e t. m. (faint) inside left arm, jhon macklin in bracelet outside left wrist, star, tree,cross, heart and anchor back left hand, large star and blue marks back right hand,ring fourth right finger, and each left finger, scar left cheek.. Tattoo written words initials, macklin, mackltn, jhon, sup. Tattoo descriptions drinking, star, ring, cross flags, anchor, tree, cross, bracelet, man, naked, heart. Tattoo body locations finger, arm, wrist, hand.
Discharged as habitual criminal
12th February 1890
Age 23. Marital status S. Place of birth burnley.