Frederick Tones

Life archive ID rhc65594
Born 1885. Place of birth Birmingham. Gender male. Height 5' 7.25". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair auburn (aub). Eyes other, grey (gr). Distinguishing marks mole (mole forehead; sc r cheek; bust of buffalo bill and man r, bust of general baden powell, star and b.p. l forearm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects national identity, military, names and initials, astronomy, america. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions star, man, baden powell, bust of buffalo bill. Tattoo body locations forearm. First recorded 28th October 1903.
Place of birth Birmingham.
28th October 1903
Age 18. Place of birth Birmingham.
Tried at Quarter sessions, Birmingham (Birmingham sess. (Birmingham)). Accused of shopbreaking. Sentenced to imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 19. Tattoo subjects national identity, military, names and initials, astronomy, america. Tattoo keywords mole forehead; scar right cheek; bust of buffalo bill and man right, bust of general baden powell, star and b.p. left forearm.. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions star, man, baden powell, bust of buffalo bill. Tattoo body locations forearm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
27th April 1904
Age 19. Place of birth Birmingham.