William Mason

Life archive ID rhc69611
Born 1872. Place of birth Sheffield. Gender male. Height 5' 5.625". Complexion fair or fresh (fr). Hair other, brown (lt, bn). Eyes blue (bl). Distinguishing marks sc outer corner right eye; man?s head (buffalo bill), cross flags, bird and flower r forearm, bust of woman l, true love, crossed flags and flower r forearm. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, national identity, nature, america. Tattoo written words love, true. Tattoo descriptions man's head, cross flags, bird, bust of female, buffalo bill, crossed flags, flower. Tattoo body locations forearm. First recorded 13th October 1902.
Place of birth Sheffield.
13th October 1902
Age 30. Place of birth Sheffield.
Tried at Quarter sessions, Worcester (worcester co. q. sess. (bromsgrove)). Accused of simple larceny. Sentenced to penal servitude, imprisonment. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 33. Tattoo subjects love, national identity, nature. Tattoo keywords bust of woman left, true love, crossed flags and flower right forearm.. Tattoo written words love, true. Tattoo descriptions bust of female, crossed flags, flower. Tattoo body locations forearm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
6th April 1905
Age 33. Place of birth Sheffield.
Tattoo(s) recorded
Age 34. Tattoo subjects national identity, nature, america. Tattoo keywords scar outer corner right eye; man's head (buffalo bill), cross flags, bird and flower right forearm.. Tattoo descriptions man's head, cross flags, bird, buffalo bill, flower. Tattoo body locations forearm.
Discharged as habitual criminal
12th January 1906
Age 34. Place of birth Sheffield.