Edvin Cruse

Record ID tlmTNA/CCC/2B/PCOM3/01471369
Born 1850. Place of birth Berkshire (boxford berkshire). Height 5' 10". Occupation Law clerk. HISCO other. Religion Protestant (unspecified). Complexion fair or fresh (fair). Hair brown (drak brown, dark brown). Eyes hazel (drak hazel, dark hazel). Distinguishing marks scar (slight scar on left hand). Has tattoo no. First recorded 17th February 1848.
Place of birth Berkshire.
Prison offence
12th April 1860
Age 10.
Accused of improper conduct.
Prison offence
1st July 1860
Age 10.
Accused of fighting on the works.
Prison offence
6th December 1860
Age 10.
Accused of theft (stealing jruel).
17th February 1868
Age 18. Marital status Single. Occupation Law clerk. HISCO other. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)).
Committed 17th February 1868 Bowstreet.
24th February 1868
Age 18. Occupation Law clerk. HISCO other. Religion Protestant (Protestant (unspecified)).
Convicted 24th February 1868. Accused of forgery. Sentenced to five years. Sentence outcome was imprisoned.
19th March 1868
Age 18. Trade in prison Tailor. Progress at school 1st class. Description of confinement Separate.
Held at Pentonville.
11th December 1868
Age 18. Trade in prison Carpenter. Progress at school Good. Description of confinement Public work.
Held at Chatham.
Prison offence
3rd August 1869
Age 19.
Accused of talking on the works.
20th February 1872
Age 22.
Held at Southwark(for license).
Granted prison license
24th February 1872
Age 22.