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Born 1860. Place of birth Warwickshire (brimingham, Warwickshire). Gender male. Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11. Religion Catholic. Build proportionate (proper). Distinguishing marks cut, scar, dot, mark (2 scar back and left side head 1 bridge of nose. right side nil. left side 4 vaccination marks 2 blue dots below elbow small cut thumb, small scar shin). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo descriptions dot. Tattoo body locations elbow. First recorded 29th October 1183.
Born 1835. Place of birth London (bermondsey). Gender male. Height 6' 0.25". Occupation Sawyer. HISCO 9. Religion Protestant (unspecified). Complexion fair or fresh (fair, fresh). Hair black, brown (black, dark brown). Eyes blue, hazel (blue, light hazel). Build proportionate (proper). Distinguishing marks cut, pitted pockmarked, scar, mark (marked small pox 2 cut left side crown 1 right side #, face # pockmarked scar right side of chin large scar catre # 2 scar right shoulder, much pitted scar back of right hand). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects britain, national identity. Tattoo descriptions crown. First recorded 10th February 1186.
Place of birth great bardford. Gender male. Height 5' 4.5". Occupation Seaman, soldier 22nd infanty and labourer # 5 months. HISCO 11, other. Religion Church of England. Complexion fair or fresh (fair). Hair brown. Eyes grey. Distinguishing marks mole, bald (anchor m.b. ring on second finger mole on left shoulder mole on back bald). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, naval, names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions ring, anchor. Tattoo body locations finger, arm. First recorded 15th June 1787.
Born 1777. Place of birth Sligo (sligo, ireland). Gender male. Height 5' 5". Occupation Sailor. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects religion. Tattoo descriptions christ. First recorded 1797.
Alias Thos maley. Born 1770. Place of birth Dublin. Gender male. Height 5' 0". Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, naval, names and initials, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions foul anchor, mermaid, anchor, heart, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1797.
Place of birth Ireland (monaghar, ireland). Gender male. Height 5' 4". Occupation Sailor. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, naval. Tattoo descriptions man and woman, anchor. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1797.
Alias Peter meyer.. Place of birth Liverpool. Gender male. Height 5' 4". Occupation A mariner. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects naval. Tattoo descriptions anchor. Tattoo body locations hand. First recorded 1797.
Alias Remon.. Place of birth Kingston Upon Thames (kingston, devonshire). Gender male. Height 5' 6". Occupation A Mariner. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects names and initials, astronomy, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions sun, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1797.
Place of birth Penzance (penzance, cornwall). Gender male. Height 5' 5". Occupation A Mariner. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo body locations hand. First recorded 1797.
Born 1750. Place of birth Edinburgh. Gender male. Height 5' 6". Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects astronomy. Tattoo descriptions compass, sun. Tattoo body locations temple. First recorded 1797.
Born 1772. Place of birth Scotland (kelso, scotland). Gender male. Height 5' 8". Occupation Sailor. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects religion. Tattoo descriptions woman, compass, cross. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1797.
Place of birth Great Yarmouth (north yarmouth, norfolk). Gender male. Height 5' 5". Occupation A Mariner. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. First recorded 1797.
Born 1767. Place of birth Scotland. Gender male. Height 5' 6". Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects naval, names and initials. Tattoo written words rmn, initials. Tattoo descriptions mermaid. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1797.
Place of birth Cork. Gender male. Height 5' 9". Occupation Seaman. HISCO 11. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects religion. Tattoo descriptions crucifix. First recorded 1798.
Place of birth Chesterfield. Gender male. Occupation Labourer. HISCO other. Hair brown (brown, bro). Eyes hazel (hazl). Distinguishing marks pitted pockmarked (pockpitted mermaid left arm sd on right arm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects naval, names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions mermaid. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 30th March 1800.
Place of birth Kent (sandling kent). Gender male. Occupation Tailor. HISCO 7. Hair brown (brown, bro). Eyes blue (l blue). Distinguishing marks bald (nearly bald top of head faint anchor on rt arm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects naval. Tattoo descriptions anchor. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 24th November 1802.
Place of birth paisley. Gender male. Occupation Baker. HISCO 7. Hair brown (l bro, light brown). Eyes brown (l bro). Distinguishing marks crucifix rt arm mermaid anchor dr rr same arm woman and man mr 1824 on left. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects love, year, naval, names and initials, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions woman and man, mermaid, anchor, crucifix. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1st January 1804.
Place of birth huddersfld. Gender male. Occupation Stonemason and carver. HISCO other. Hair brown (dark brown, d brown). Eyes hazel. Distinguishing marks m on rt arm ring on mid finr left hand. Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects jewellery, names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions ring. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 1st January 1804.
Place of birth camden. Gender male. Occupation Ploman & farm labourer.. HISCO other. Hair red. Eyes grey. Distinguishing marks pitted pockmarked, freckled (pockpitted & freckled woman inside left arm - j. g. g. h. c. g - c. g. w. g. h. c. inside rt arm). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects names and initials. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions woman. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 17th January 1809.
Place of birth cheapside. Gender male. Occupation Labourer. HISCO 11. Hair brown (lt brown, light brown). Eyes blue. Distinguishing marks pitted pockmarked (j. j.a. - cross &c on left arm - slightly pockpitted). Has tattoo yes. Tattoo subjects names and initials, religion. Tattoo written words initials. Tattoo descriptions cross. Tattoo body locations arm. First recorded 17th January 1809.